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Season 5 of the SoulScape Show is dedicated to the theme: Silent No More: Stand For God

At 4:48 A.M. I awoke with that reverberating in my head. I heard it clear as day! I knew it was important so I texted it to myself so I wouldn't forget the exact wording.

And the journey is only beginning...
Because this statement, this clarion call continues to rock my world. It has upleveled my commitment to bringing you powerful Leaders of the Light, to stand in Divine Truth, Divine Love and most importantly Divine Trust!
As we all pivot with the continous downloads of high-vibe energies, we are sometimes challenged to integrate them on the fly while participating in the human world. The SoulScape Show is dedicated to assisting you to do just that! We are live, each Thursday night at 5 pm PST / 8 pm EST we gather together for a "coffee clutch". You get to ask questions of the host (me) and the special guest. You are the focus, because meeting your needs is the reason we are here! I invite you to join us, enmasse, to create a merkabah of Golden Light energy to receive greater wisdom, heal, clear and uplevel yourself! We are in the process of evolving into the Wisdom Council, will you be part of this magnificent global movement?

The SoulScape Show (Live and FREE) is for you if you know that you:

  •  Want to unlock a higher level of meaning and purpose  
  • Want more joy, fulfillment, and love  
  • Are feeling "stuck" but don't know why
  • Want to be more attuned to high-vibe energy healing techniques, channelings, & ancient wisdom...
  • You know you are here, at this time, for a reason and it's time to figure it out and get on with it!

Season 5 is packed with amazing Transformational Leaders, Wayshowers, Light Warriors, Healers, Channelers and so much more! I hope you will join us!

Love and Light are the closest thing we have to magic. It can completely transform and amplify life. More Light, More Love Transforms Everything!